Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Carbon monoxide poisoning

Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning

BMJ 2019; 366 doi: (Published 15 July 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;366:l4613
  1. Sarah J Jones, consultant in environmental health protection,
  2. Amber Horton, environmental public health programme support officer,
  3. Huw Brunt, lead consultant in environmental health protection,
  4. Giri Shankar, professional lead consultant in health protection
  1. Health Protection Team, Public Health Wales, Capital Quarter 2, Cardiff CF10 4DZ, UK
  1. sarah.jones27{at}

By improving clinical awareness of the signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning,1 we can reduce this avoidable burden on health and health services.

CO poisoning is under-reported and under-recorded.2 In Wales, there were 1052 hospital admissions related to CO (ICD10 codes T58 and X47), requiring 5084 bed days, between 2005 and 2017. At 2013-14 estimates of £1542 (€1716; $1924) for …

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