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Insulin pumps are still debatable for type 1 diabetes

BMJ 2002; 325 doi: (Published 06 July 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:46

Rapid Response:

Pumping Saves Lives

As a Type I diabetic for 37 years, Ifell into that very brittle category
many question, My last A1c before pumping was 14. I have complications of
diabetes, and some of them have reversed themselves since going on the
pump(neuropathy pain in both feet, and hands, frozen shoulders).

My current 7.2 HA1cs may not be the gold standard for many diabetics,
but being able to micromanage the different amounts of insulin I get via
basal rates during different times of the day, during different times of
the week, the month, and the year, was a godsend. Diabetes is a lot of
work, with or without a pump.

Type I's can easily develop eating disorders too, after years of
obsessing over eating when not hungry. It's not surprising that this
obsession might cause a high percentage of depression among diabetics.

It is not that you can't live without the pump, I did for years, but
the quality of that life is of no small matter to the person suffering
with this dreadful disease and its complications. Life should be more
than just staying alive.

Dianne D. Mink

Competing interests: No competing interests

13 July 2002
Dianne M. De Mink
Senior Editions, Moondance.Org., People Caring
self employed freelance 71901