Intended for healthcare professionals

Education And Debate

Climate change and health: implications for research, monitoring, and policy

BMJ 1997; 315 doi: (Published 04 October 1997) Cite this as: BMJ 1997;315:870
  1. Andrew Haines (a.haines{at}, professor of primary health carea,
  2. Anthony J McMichael, professor of epidemiologyb
  1. a Joint Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine and University College London Medical School, London NW3 2PF
  2. b Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London WC1E 7HT
  1. Correspondence to: Professor Haines
  • Accepted 13 June 1997


The potential effects of climate change on human health are summarised in the previous article.1 These are wide ranging and pose considerable challenges to both researchers and policy makers.2 The complexity of these environmental processes and their impact on health necessitates a multidisciplinary approach.

In environmental health there is a close relation between epidemiological research and those monitoring activities which seek evidence of changes in the environmental or health status of populations. A distinction is usually made between monitoring and surveillance, the latter being the continuing standardised recording of the occurrence of disease. In the context of climate change and health, however, both monitoring and surveillance are needed to (a) identify important changes in disease incidence, health risk indicators, or health status; (b) determine whether these changes are likely to be the result of local, regional, or global environmental changes; (c) to help develop countermeasures and assess their effectiveness; and (d) to develop hypotheses about the potential health effects of climate change. Monitoring should also help in the detection of unexpected events.3

The research challenge

Since there is uncertainty about the profile and rate of future climate change it is necessary to estimate effects on health in relation to specified probable climate scenarios. This process differs in several important ways from the more familiar empirical procedure of quantitative risk assessment.4 The latter is usually conducted in relation to some existing index of environmental exposure for which there is prior empirical evidence of direct (usually toxicological) health risks across an exposure range which includes the index exposure.

The three main approaches to health risk assessment based on scenarios are extrapolation based on specific (historical) analogue situations for some aspects of climate change; formal integrated mathematical modelling; and generalised assessments drawing on expert judgment of the range of health consequences (physical, microbiological, and psychological) of diffuse and complex demographic, social, and economic disruption.

Summary points

Health risk assessment based on scenarios encompasses extrapolation, integrated mathematical modelling, and generalised assessments of the consequences of demographic, social, and economic disruption

Uncertainty is unavoidable because of such factors as the unpredictability of future industrial activities, and differences in sensitivity of disease systems and vulnerability of populations to climate change

Monitoring of health indicators and disease surveillance activities must be integrated with global observing systems currently being developed for climate change and its impact

The potentially serious effects of climate change on health heighten the urgent need for policies to limit greenhouse gas emissions

Historical analogues

Historical analogues probably come from recent times, although earlier documented experiences may also be informative. Most useful are those situations which seem to simulate aspects of future climate change.5 For example, epidemiologists have begun to study the regional health consequences of the worldwide climatic fluctuations associated by “teleconnection” (remote linkages) with the El Niño southern oscillation (box.

El Niño events—a partial analogue for future climate change?

  • The El Niño southern oscillation is a large, irregular, unstable atmosphere-ocean system which produces relatively short-term climate changes over the Pacific region6

  • Events related to the El Niño southern oscillation (that is, El Niño warm events and La Niña cold events) strongly influence climate variability between years and are associated with regional land and sea surface warming, changes in precipitation and in the occurrence of tropical cyclones

  • These anomalies impinge primarily on countries bordering the Pacific and Indian Oceans but also affect other continents

  • El Niño events can affect human health—epidemics of malaria and dengue fever are more likely to occur in the year of an El Niño event or in the year following789; the occurrence and distribution of harmful coastal algal blooms is also associated with El Niño events10

  • Weather disasters are twice as frequent worldwide during the year of an El Niño event11

These studies can be useful in assessing the vulnerability of populations to climate change, although the relatively short time scale makes direct extrapolation to the effects of global warming on health difficult.

Integrated mathematical modelling

Integrated mathematical modelling is increasingly being used to estimate the future impact on health of climatic (and other environmental) change. It requires that each component of the sequence of climatic, environmental, and social changes in the chain of causation should be represented mathematically.4

Modelling skin cancer rates

A recent illustration of integrated mathematical modelling comes from a related topic—stratospheric ozone depletion, increased ultraviolet irradiation, and the impact on the incidence of skin cancer in fair skinned populations.12 The study modelled the excess rate of skin cancer in Europe and the United States during the coming century in response to three contrasting ozone depletion scenarios: (a) a “business as usual” scenario of gaseous emissions destroying ozone; (b) one incorporating the emission restrictions required by the protocol drawn up the Montreal meeting on substances that deplete the ozone layer in 1987; and (c) a scenario taking account of the Montreal protocol as amended in Copenhagen in 1992.

The study used an integrated model that combined metamodels of the components of the chain linking source and risk—that is, emissions, ozone depletion, changes in ultraviolet irradiance, and dose-effect (ultraviolet-cancer) models. The uncertainties in each component were included in the model. A multiple run Monte Carlo technique was used to allow for variable combinations of these uncertainties and estimated future trajectories of skin cancer incidence rates were produced. The central estimate for the third scenario was that the skin cancer incidence would peak at an increment of approximately 10% around the middle of next century. For the other two scenarios, the cancer increments were orders of magnitude larger.


An El Niño event causes temperature anomalies in the troposphere. In this false-colour satellite image of the 1983 event, red areas correspond to regions with temperature higher than the long term average; blue areas indicate regions where temperatures are lower than the long term average


Geography of malaria

The best known mathematical modelling in relation to the health impacts of climate change has been in relation to potential shifts in the geographical range of malaria.10 11 12 13 14 15 These first generation models, which are highly aggregated, have incorporated climate change scenarios (equations that express the average relations of mosquito and parasite biology to temperature, rainfall, and humidity16) and information about pre-existing levels of malaria and acquired immunity in populations in different regions. (Figure 3) in our previous paper shows the results of this model.1)

Dealing with uncertainty

As with all forecasting, assessing the impacts of global climate change entails unavoidable uncertainties.4 17 These uncertainties arise from the intrinsic unknown element in future trends in human industrial, demographic, and trading behaviour; from the nature of the non-linear and interactive relations within the various complex natural systems; and from the variable (and population specific) sensitivity of the health outcome to the change in climate and environment. Uncertainty also arises from the stochastic nature of the biophysical systems being modelled.

Differences in vulnerability between populations are another source of variability.18 These occur because of the heterogeneity and changeability of human culture, social relations, and behaviour. As Balbus and Patz state: “While a given disease system may be particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change based on biological or physiological characteristics, the ultimate vulnerability of a given population to that disease may be considerably lessened by adaptive responses.”19 Some populations and geographical regions will be particularly vulnerable. For example, populations whose food supplies are insecure are vulnerable to downturns in agricultural productivity caused by climatic factors, and people living on the edge of regions where infectious diseases borne by vector organisms are endemic are most likely to experience the early extensions in range of these diseases.

Another dimension of complexity in the assessment task results from the interplay of several environmental stresses that are coexistent. Interaction between local environmental degradation and changes on a larger scale—climate change, population growth, and loss of biodiversity—may significantly influence the effects on health. For example, local deforestation caused by increased population pressure may directly change the distribution of vector borne diseases while also causing a local increase in temperature (in addition to its contribution to a global temperature increase by depleting one of the biosphere's great carbon dioxide “sinks”).20

Major research needs

Important research needs include the following2:

  • Improvements in mathematical models for predicting the impact of climate change on health, including higher resolution to enable local and regional impact assessments to be made;

  • Further studies to (a) distinguish more clearly between the effects on health of climate and of air pollution; (b) determine the extent to which, in different regions, a reduction in mortality related to cold might offset the impact of more frequent heatwaves; and (c) assess the longer term health effects, if any, on populations living in locations with different climates;

  • Analysis of infectious disease epidemics associated with recent regional changes in climate, using these as analogues of future climate change. For example, asystematic examination of vector borne outbreaks in regions affected by climatic events related to the El Niño southern oscillation would improve our understanding of the relations between climate and health;

  • For vector borne diseases, there is a need for basic laboratory and field investigations of arthropod vector ecology and pathogen infectivity at raised temperatures and varying humidity and ecological studies on the climate sensitivity of diseases in locations at the margins of endemic areas;

  • Assessment of how changes in food production—as a result of climate and weather changes, increased ultraviolet irradiation, sea level rise, changes in pest ecology, and socioeconomic shifts in land use practices—could affect human health and nutrition;

  • Study of the association of extreme climatic events with global warming and the occurrence of disasters affecting large human populations;

  • Modelling studies of the potential public health implications of forced migration from climatically vulnerable regions;

  • Ecological studies of the range of possible public health impacts of reductions in biodiversity related to the climate;

  • Assessment of the potential health impacts of strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (for example, the health risks of biomass fuels).

Monitoring for changes in health related indices

Global observation systems

The monitoring of health effects should be integrated with global observation systems that are currently under development. The Global Climate Observing System is a joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organisation and other international agencies and will encourage the development of coordinated climate observations by national and international organisations. Its coverage will exceed that of current monitoring programmes, such as Global Atmosphere Watch and World Weather Watch, which comprise a network of satellites, telecommunications and data processing facilities. The Global Ocean Observing System, operated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Unesco, includes monitoring of sea level rise, sea surface temperature and, eventually, biological measures such as the phytoplankton concentration. The Global Terrestrial Observing System is being established under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme and other international agencies. It will be used to detect and monitor response of terrestrial ecosystems to global change including new patterns of land use and climate change.21

Linkage between climate monitoring and health indicators

There is also a need to link the proposed monitoring of climate change and associated health indicators with the health related monitoring activities currently undertaken or sponsored by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme. A potentially important example on the Internet is the programme for monitoring emerging diseases (proMED— conducted under the auspices of the Federation of American Scientists and sponsored by the WHO. It facilitates worldwide electronic exchange of data on new, resurgent, or otherwise varying infectious diseases.

Population based data

Summary of methods needed to monitor the impact of climate change on health

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A range of population based sources of data could be used to determine changes in potentially relevant conditions over time. For example, in Britain the weekly information return service of the Royal College of General Practitioners permits the analysis of consultation data in relation to person, episode, and doctor-patient encounter.22 In Bangladesh, a population of around 200 000 in the Chandpur district has formed the basis of many large nutritional and epidemiological studies, showing the feasibility of long term monitoring of population health in a country that is particularly vulnerable to flooding and other extreme weather events.23

The Global Health Network ( is under development and is designed to promote connections between public health workers worldwide. It should lead to major advances in the telemonitoring of health and disease, and could incorporate methods to compensate for undercounting cases, using the capture-recapture approach developed originally by wildlife biologists to enumerate animal populations.24

Ecosystem monitoring

It has been increasingly recognised that ecosystems have important influences on human health—for example, through changes in key indicator species such as insects and rodents which may have both direct and indirect effects. Algal blooms in marine ecosystems can act as reservoirs for certain pathogens including Vibrio cholerae.25 Monitoring indicator species could help our understanding of important links between climate change and its effects on health.

Remote sensing

Remote sensing, particularly by satellites, can be used to monitor a range of variables relevant to climate change, including sea surface temperatures, algal blooms, and changes in terrestrial ecosystems. For example, vegetation indices produced by high resolution radiometry have been correlated with mortality and the population density of tsetse flies.26 The United States's National Aeronautics and Space Administration is sponsoring research on the use of satellite information to study the distribution and control of vector borne disease.27 Data from remote sensing may need to be validated by local data on the vector organisms and diseases of interest. The table summarises a framework for the development of monitoring systems for the health impacts of climate change.28

General and specific policies to reduce climate change or its impacts

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Policy implications

The implications of climate change for public policy are wide ranging. Policies to reduce changes are shown in the box. Mitigation options aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or to increase carbon dioxide sinks—for example, by promoting reforestation. Some options directly affect health, such as the promotion of bicycling, which would increase fitness and lower cardiovascular risk while helping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.29 Renewable energy sources should be assessed for their impact on health since some may have adverse consequences. Hydroelectric dams for example may cause population displacement and social disintegration.30

Population growth is an important driving force of climate change. It is estimated that half of the increase in carbon dioxide emission between 1992 and 2022 will be a result of population growth.32 Although most will occur in developing countries, any growth in developed countries is an important contributor because of the much higher per capita consumption of fossil fuels. Currently only around 1% of international donor aid is spent on family planning, whereas just 2-3% would give worldwide access to contraception.33 Policies such as these, which meet short term local needs as well as long term environmental goals, should be priorities for implementation.

Tension between the priorities of conventional economics and environmental protection has led to the development of “environmental economics.” 34 This attempts to assign a market value to the otherwise uncounted costs of the adverse impact of environmental degradation. “Ecological economics” seeks to incorporate the concept of sustainability and thus to avoid compromising the health and survival of future generations.35 There is clearly a need for greater public and professional debate about the long term consequences of climate change and the balance between the immediate economic impact of mitigation strategies and their potential to reduce the impact on health and wellbeing in the future.

Agenda 21, the principal outcome of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, indicates that many countries support an integrated approach to reducing poverty and environmental degradation. Richer countries agreed—at least in principle—to increase funding to promote “sustainable development” and to transfer information and energy efficient technology and improve education and training.36

The WHO is now seeking to persuade governments that public health considerations are a key criterion in sustainable development.37 There has already been international cooperation in phasing out compounds that cause stratospheric ozone depletion in the form of the updated Montreal protocol of 1987; this is an example of the use of a precautionary approach which yielded international action despite scientific uncertainty.38 However, in the case of climate change action has not yet matched the rhetoric. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change urges developed countries to take the lead in combatting climate change but it will be late 1997 before concrete action on greenhouse gas emissions will be agreed for the period beyond 2000, and most nations are unlikely to reach the initial target of reducing their emissions to 1990 levels by 2000.39 The recently elected British government has announced its intention to reduce the nation's carbon dioxide emissions in 2010 to a level 20% lower than that in 1990 but clear policies need to be developed and implemented to ensure that substantial and timely reductions occur.

Meanwhile, steps could be taken to improve population adaptation to climate change—but not as alternatives to mitigation. Some, such as eliminating the breeding sites of vector organisms and improving vaccination coverage, are within the capacity of health professionals. Others, such as changes in building design to reduce heat load and improvements in flood protection mechanisms, require policy changes in other sectors.

Finally, global environmental hazards to health should feature in medical school curricula since much of the anticipated impact on health would occur within the coming decades.40 Meanwhile, in the spirit of primary prevention, health professionals should advocate to policy makers early application of strategies to minimise climate change in order to limit the anticipated impact on health. That impact, mediated through disruption to life supporting biophysical systems, has unprecedented importance for the sustainability of human health.


We received assistance and helpful comments from Sari Kovats.


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