I concede that oral treatment might be agood idea for several
reasons. But I wonder if anyone has noticed that in order to institute oral
replacement dose of 1 mg OD the patient will have to take 20 tablets of
cyanocobalamin 50 micrograms a day.
The only oral preparation I can find in the BNF in the UK for Vit B12 is
the cyanocobalamin 50 micrograms tablet.
Taking 20 tablets a day (if they are not taking that many already in other
medicines!) won't be welcomed by many patients I know. Would there be any
other alternatives?
Competing interests:
I get paid for Vitamin B12 injections
Competing interests:
No competing interests
07 July 2010
Fareed A Bhatti
General Practitioner
SunnyBank Medical Centre,Bradford ,West Yorkshire,UK.BD129NG
Rapid Response:
Re: Treatment of vitamin B-12 deficiency
I concede that oral treatment might be agood idea for several
reasons. But I wonder if anyone has noticed that in order to institute oral
replacement dose of 1 mg OD the patient will have to take 20 tablets of
cyanocobalamin 50 micrograms a day.
The only oral preparation I can find in the BNF in the UK for Vit B12 is
the cyanocobalamin 50 micrograms tablet.
Taking 20 tablets a day (if they are not taking that many already in other
medicines!) won't be welcomed by many patients I know. Would there be any
other alternatives?
Competing interests:
I get paid for Vitamin B12 injections
Competing interests: No competing interests