I think these letters written by psychiatrists etc. are the most
disgusting comments I have ever read. How would these so called "doctors"
like to have ECT themselves? None I bet. I have never heard of any takers
on that
Electro Convulsive Shock is not a treatment but a torture masquerading as
a treatment for the benifit of those in control of poor unfortunate
people's lives
Rapid Response:
Re: ECTmasquerading as a treatment
I think these letters written by psychiatrists etc. are the most
disgusting comments I have ever read. How would these so called "doctors"
like to have ECT themselves? None I bet. I have never heard of any takers
on that
Electro Convulsive Shock is not a treatment but a torture masquerading as
a treatment for the benifit of those in control of poor unfortunate
people's lives
From one who knows
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Competing interests: No competing interests