Congratulations on your excellent paper "Drugs for Pre-Osteoporosis:
Prevention or Disease Mongering "BMJ 2008:336:126-129. You are very
correct to expose the overt influence bisphsohonate drug companies have
had in the prescribing practices of physicians throughout the world and
how their drug company supported studies have messaged the data to
embelish results beyond real therapuetic value. As the oral and
maxillofacial surgoen who first described Bisphosphonate Induced
Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (BIONJ), 65% of our patients with such exposed
bone often with secondary infection were taking mostly alendronate for
If any of our data base is of interst to you, please do nto hesitate
to contact me at
Rapid Response:
Excellent Paper
Congratulations on your excellent paper "Drugs for Pre-Osteoporosis:
Prevention or Disease Mongering "BMJ 2008:336:126-129. You are very
correct to expose the overt influence bisphsohonate drug companies have
had in the prescribing practices of physicians throughout the world and
how their drug company supported studies have messaged the data to
embelish results beyond real therapuetic value. As the oral and
maxillofacial surgoen who first described Bisphosphonate Induced
Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (BIONJ), 65% of our patients with such exposed
bone often with secondary infection were taking mostly alendronate for
If any of our data base is of interst to you, please do nto hesitate
to contact me at
Competing interests:
None declared
Competing interests: No competing interests