Intended for healthcare professionals

Rapid response to:

Clinical Review ABC of burns

Burns in the developing world and burn disasters

BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 19 August 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:447

Rapid Response:

Utilising Resources

Burns in the Developing World and Burn Disasters. BMJ 21/8/04
at p447.

In this article no mention is made of the role that the first aid
worker could play, and the updating of his/her knowledge on the use of
plastic film as a covering for minor burns etc as described in one of the
earlier articles from the ‘ABC of Burns’.

Coming also from a developing country, knowledge of First Aid for
first aid workers particularly women and school children is very
important, and our auxiliaries, would I’m sure be glad that the Red
Cross/Red Crescent and St Johns Ambulance Brigade include this teaching in
their handbooks and lectures. Clear plastic film is also far more readily
available than a piece of clean white cloth.

Alison M. Brydone, MB.Ch.B. (London)

Specialist in Community Health

Parirenyatwa Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

05 October 2004
Alison M. Brydone
Specialist in Community Health
Parirenyatwa Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe