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An open letter to the Prince of Wales: with respect, your highness, you've got it wrong

BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 08 July 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:118

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Prince Open letter to the Prince of Wales

Prince Charles' recognition of the Gerson Therapy as having value as
a cancer treatmentc certainly has the U.K. cancer establishment setting
its hair on fire while personally attacking the prince.

What is laughable is the fact Dr. Nicholas Gonzales of New York
recently received a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health
[NIH] to fund a large clinical trial using nutritional therapy to treat
cancer. The grant was given in light of the fact that Dr. Gonzales has a
demonstrably successful track record in the nutritional management of
cancer. Of course the old boy network (or is it nitwits?) in the cancer
establishment attacked NIH for giving the grant. What are they afraid of?
They are always demanding proof until there is the likely hood of a study
-then they try anything to shut it down. Same thing with chelation therapy
- there was to be a chelation study set up at Washington State University
in Seattle - jointly funded by the Office of Alternative Medicine [NIH]
and the American College form Advancement in Medicine until the
Quackbusters got wind of it and went so far as to approach the Governor of
Washington to shut it down before it even got started.

I had the privilege of spending a whole day with Dr. Albert Schatz, ,
co-discover of streptomycin, in Montreal in the early 1980's as guests in
the home of a mutual friend, Dr. Jean Marc Brunet of L'Naturiste and who
is a well known Le Journal de Montreal columnist. We talked of many
things. Max Gerson was the personal physician and friend of Albert
Einstein and the philanthropist and missionary, Albert Schweitzer. Dr.
Gerson cured Schweitzer and his wife of various health problems including
adult onset diabetes. Albert Schatz was also a friend of Dr. Gerson, Dr.
Einstein and the the Schweitzers.

Croft Woodruff

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

10 July 2004
Croft Woodruff
health researcher, journalist, broadcaster
6262A Fraser Street, Vancouver BC, V5W 3A1 [604] 327 3889