In response to the letter by George Hill “The Joy of Uncircumcision:
A Decade Later” I would like to give some input on this subject.
In the UK the rate of circumcision through the National Health
Service has been quoted to me as 5% by the Department of Health for
medical reasons. Although met with silence if the ‘circumcision clinics’
are mentioned within National Health Service these clinics appear to have
been set up to perform religious circumcisions within the NHS. Total
figures of male population circumcised have been quoted as 15.8% that
would take into account these religious circumcisions.
From my own experience being a male circumcised within the NHS at
eight days old back in 1949 I can attest to the trauma such treatment can
cause and how long lived the effects that get worse rather than better.
My own example is not however of any value if it were not supported
by the wave of discontented people that have been able to educate
themselves on the issue of male circumcision. Now more commonly referred
to as Male Genital Mutilation amongst those who are increasingly
considering themselves victims, this education has only been possible
because of the Internet.
Unfortunately it is not only the lives of the circumcised male that
can be adversely affected, it also extends to the family of that person.
If the process has caused lasting effects often starting as a ‘clingy
child’ or a shy and retarded individual it can also have effects of
increased anger and obsessive behavior. Sexual frustrations can build as
age takes it’s toll on relationships that are added to by the already
desensitized penis. Constant background sensation would appear to build
up a brain threshold as it does with those who suffer constant pain.
Sexual intercourse to ejaculation must be accompanied by added stimulation
to rise well above the threshold level making sex vigorous and of longer
duration, far less gentle than the female would wish. Frustrations like
this are an added risk to relationships if they are to survive into old
I know from the requests for simple products and the analysis of
website statistics that this interest in foreskin restoration is growing.
I also know from personal responses sent to me that there is growing anger
about their circumcision, not always the result of ‘botched’
The ignorance that still exists about the foreskin and glans does not
do justice to the medical profession that amputate highly sensitive and
functional skin from the penis, often from those that did not and could
not give consent (children). I have a suspicion that the reaction between
the glans, frenulum, ridge bands and the nervous system during sex is far
more complex than sensitivity or the number of nerves present in the
penis. Those who are perhaps rather cynical may conclude that the medical
profession is not yet advanced enough to tackle a subject that at present
is way beyond their capabilities.
Rapid Response:
The joy of uncircumcising
To the editor,
In response to the letter by George Hill “The Joy of Uncircumcision:
A Decade Later” I would like to give some input on this subject.
In the UK the rate of circumcision through the National Health
Service has been quoted to me as 5% by the Department of Health for
medical reasons. Although met with silence if the ‘circumcision clinics’
are mentioned within National Health Service these clinics appear to have
been set up to perform religious circumcisions within the NHS. Total
figures of male population circumcised have been quoted as 15.8% that
would take into account these religious circumcisions.
From my own experience being a male circumcised within the NHS at
eight days old back in 1949 I can attest to the trauma such treatment can
cause and how long lived the effects that get worse rather than better.
My own example is not however of any value if it were not supported
by the wave of discontented people that have been able to educate
themselves on the issue of male circumcision. Now more commonly referred
to as Male Genital Mutilation amongst those who are increasingly
considering themselves victims, this education has only been possible
because of the Internet.
Unfortunately it is not only the lives of the circumcised male that
can be adversely affected, it also extends to the family of that person.
If the process has caused lasting effects often starting as a ‘clingy
child’ or a shy and retarded individual it can also have effects of
increased anger and obsessive behavior. Sexual frustrations can build as
age takes it’s toll on relationships that are added to by the already
desensitized penis. Constant background sensation would appear to build
up a brain threshold as it does with those who suffer constant pain.
Sexual intercourse to ejaculation must be accompanied by added stimulation
to rise well above the threshold level making sex vigorous and of longer
duration, far less gentle than the female would wish. Frustrations like
this are an added risk to relationships if they are to survive into old
I know from the requests for simple products and the analysis of
website statistics that this interest in foreskin restoration is growing.
I also know from personal responses sent to me that there is growing anger
about their circumcision, not always the result of ‘botched’
The ignorance that still exists about the foreskin and glans does not
do justice to the medical profession that amputate highly sensitive and
functional skin from the penis, often from those that did not and could
not give consent (children). I have a suspicion that the reaction between
the glans, frenulum, ridge bands and the nervous system during sex is far
more complex than sensitivity or the number of nerves present in the
penis. Those who are perhaps rather cynical may conclude that the medical
profession is not yet advanced enough to tackle a subject that at present
is way beyond their capabilities.
Kevin J. Elks.
Stop Mutilating Children.
Etondale, Slip Lane,
Dover, Kent. CT15 7EF
Restoration Web:
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Competing interests: No competing interests