Intended for healthcare professionals

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Primary Care

Relation of childhood gastrointestinal disorders to autism: nested case-control study using data from the UK General Practice Research Database

BMJ 2002; 325 doi: (Published 24 August 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:419

Rapid Response:

Gastrointestinal disorders in autism

As a parent of an 11 year-old son with severe ASD & extremely
challenging behaviour, in my experience this report is misleading and very
damaging serving no other purpose other than to defend MMR vaccine.

In Australia, almost every child with severe ASD has very obvious
evidence of gut problems coinciding precisely with periods of difficult
and violent behaviour.

No one ever claimed intestinal problems cause autism, absolutely no

However, there is indisputable evidence to show kids with autism have
a very specific type of colitis, and this definitely acerbates severe
behavioral problems in kids with autism.

Anyone who has suffered persistent colitis would tell you the pain
alone is enough to drive anyone mad, so why wouldn't these kids be

Drugs don’t work at all 30% of these kids with the worst and most
violent behaviors. Let me say that it's precisely because of nonsense
reports like this it has taken almost 8 years of his 11 year life to get
my son into hospital for assessment & treatment!

In our experience, the very highest incidences of children with
autism in Australia have parents with a known history of toxic poisoning
or ongoing environmental diseases. It must also be obvious the cause of
increasing autism rates is from genetic damage from environmental factors.

It's a pity the medical profession allows national governments to
register toxic chemicals for use without public health monitoring such as
National Adverse Reactions Register for chemicals and a Diagnosis Register
for autism by geographical location. The "mystery" of spiraling autism
rates would be quickly solved.

Rex Warren
National President
Australian Chemical Trauma Alliance

Competing interests: No competing interests

28 September 2002
Rex H Warren
President ACTA
Australia 4680