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Prevention and cure of type 2 diabetes

BMJ 2002; 325 doi: (Published 03 August 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:232

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Beyond type 2 diabetes mellitus common risk factors.


In my opinion, based on a 45 years long clinical
experience, the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its
well-known and harmful complications, as well as the prevention of all
other serious and common human
diseases, surely correlated with glucose metabolism impairment, is
nowadays possible, exclusively by means of a “particular” type of
prevention, which must be achieved at
the bed-side, i.e., clinically, on a very large scale, using the simple
stethoscope. (See
Biophysical-Semeiotic Constitutions).

In a few words, performing an
efficacious primary prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus, we must go
“beyond obesity, adiposity, and even hyperinsulinemia-insulin-resistance”
in the sense that doctors must know and recognize “quantitatively the
“biophysical-semeiotic dibateic constitution”.
In other words, every screening programme for whatever
disease and its complications, including diabetes and
cancer, needs efficacious "clinical" tools to obtain
the best results. In fact, for instance, it is
generally admitted that non-insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus(i.e. more than 90% of diabetic disorders) may
occur at least 12 years before the clinical diagnosis
of DM is made, i.e., after long time of IIR, adiposity, obesity, a.s.o.,
and retinopathy can develop at least 7 years before the diagnosis. In
other words, national
screening programmes for diabetic complications should
be intended for people who don't present any clinical
symptomatology, at the moment, a part from “diabetic constitution”.

Actually, during the time that diabetes is "undiagnosed" and untreated,
complications, that could be avoided by a different,really efficacious
prevention, are developing.
Therefore, early diagnosis must certainly be
established in "asymptomatic" patients who are
evolving slowly towards diabetes mellitus, i.e. long
time before disease onset, in order to avoid those
complications. In fact, to prevent well known diabetic
complications, including diabetic retinopathy, it is
extremely necessary that doctors use a clinical tool
reliable in diagnosing early diabetes mellitus stages,
i.e. from its initial stages, i.e., even before Reaven’s syndrome, both
classic and “variant”, I described previously (1, 2, 3, 5).

Until now, unfortunately, diabetes mellitus is too
often diagnosed accidentally, e.g. by occasional
urinary or blood tests. Furthermore, epidemiological
studies indicate that 50% of individuals with 2-hour
postglucose challenge values over 200 mg/dL, a value
diagnostic for diabetes, were not previously diagnosed
as being diabetic (3, 4). Fortunately, it is now easy
to realize "clinically" an efficacious DM primary
prevention, as well as the prevention of other common
human diseases, including malignancies, in a simple
manner, with the aid of some biophysical-semeiotic
signs, reliable in recognizing the different
”constitutions”, in a quantitative way. Certainly, we can prevent type2
diabetes mellitus if we know
the above-referred clinical method, easy to perform, which can be applied
on very large scale, "conditio sine qua non" of serious disease primary
prevention , that notoriously
causes morbidity and mortality, through dangerous
lesions in the kidneys, retina, heart, brain, a.s.o.


Stagnaro Sergio MD., Member NYAS.

1) Stagnaro S., Istangiopatia Congenita Acidosica
Enzimo-Metabolica condizione necessaria non
sufficiente della oncogenesi. XI Congr. Naz. Soc. It.
di Microangiologia e Microcircolaz. Abstracts, pg 38,
28 Settembre-1 Ottobre, 1983, Bellagio

2) Stagnaro S., Istangiopatia Congenita Acidosica
Enzimo-Metabolica. X Congr. Naz. Soc. It. di
Microangiologia e Microcircolazione. Atti, 61. 6-7
Novembre, 1981, Siena

3) Stagnaro S., Istangiopatia Congenita Acidosica
Enzimo-Metabolica. Una Patologia Mitocondriale
Ignorata. Gazz Med. It. Arch. Sci. Med. 144, 423,
1985 (Infotrieve).4) Stagnaro S., West PJ., Hu FB.,
Manson JE., Willett WC. Diet and Risk of Type 2
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617, 1993.

Competing interests: No competing interests

03 August 2002
Sergio Stagnaro
Specialist in Blood, Gastrointestinal, and Metabolic Diseases. Researcher in Biophysical Semeiotics.
Via Erasmo Piaggio N°23/8 16037 Riva Trioso (Genoa) Italy