Having a high social status and earning a lot of money ?
I'm doing the medical studies as 2nd education, my first
education was IT-specialist. So, when I start working as
an assisting doctor, i'll earn about 6000.- SFr. and working
60 hours, or 80 hours if I wanna have success. so, per hour that's about
25.- SFr. When I work in IT, even just doing "silly" things like
webpublishing, I earn 75.- SFr., as IT-Specialist 150.-, up to 250.- SFr.
Eventually, when I have the choice, what do you think I shall do ? Killing
myself working at the hospital (doing a nice work) or doing a not that
exciting work, but earning enough to feed my family and having a enough
time to be with them ?
Rapid Response:
social status & income
Having a high social status and earning a lot of money ?
I'm doing the medical studies as 2nd education, my first
education was IT-specialist. So, when I start working as
an assisting doctor, i'll earn about 6000.- SFr. and working
60 hours, or 80 hours if I wanna have success. so, per hour that's about
25.- SFr. When I work in IT, even just doing "silly" things like
webpublishing, I earn 75.- SFr., as IT-Specialist 150.-, up to 250.- SFr.
Eventually, when I have the choice, what do you think I shall do ? Killing
myself working at the hospital (doing a nice work) or doing a not that
exciting work, but earning enough to feed my family and having a enough
time to be with them ?
Competing interests: No competing interests