Intended for healthcare professionals

Rapid response to:


Gynaecologist struck off the medical register

BMJ 2000; 321 doi: (Published 29 July 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;321:258

Rapid Response:

Re: Re: Re: The emperor has no clothes

I agree with John Hopkins in as much as the same degree of
incompetence found in the medical profession can be found within any
corporate setting except within the "corporate" settings the incompetent
aren't always responsible for the life of another human and when tragedy
occurs there are serious consequences for those that are guilty of that

Let's take the recent Paddington train disaster and previously the
Southall Train disaster, as a direct result of "corporate failings"
Corporate manslaughter will be legislated for. No such luck within the NHS
even though lives are put at risk by "dodgy doctors".

My partner is a director of a multi-national retailer and believe you
me incompetence to the degree of some of the high profile cases is not
tolerated, they would have been sacked on the spot for 1% of what some of
these doctors had done and any manufacturer of food who kept messing up
and putting lives at risk, would not only immediately be de-listed, but
would have Public Health crawling all over them, followed by prosecutions.

The point I am trying to make is this, we all understand human
frailty, we all understand under funding and over stretched hospitals, we
all make allowances for these things, however we are confronted with out
and out arrogance and excuses for the most appalling behaviour, none of
which seems to be anyones's fault. Well it is somebodies fault. If the
medical profession and the pathetic GMC can not put their own house in
order then I am afraid the time has come to change the face of the NHS and
put people in place who will run a "tight" ship and NOT allow the
incompetence, once spotted to continue.

The NHS is ours, the public's we pay for it, we pay the salaries of
all who work in it and the least we can expect is respect, however what we
get is God like attitudes from arrogant incompetents who believe they know
all there is to know about medicine and we the ordinary person have not
the mentation nor the right to question anything they do. Well times are
changing and it's about time the medical profession stood by it's
patients, it's "employees" and booted the bad apples as soon as any
dangerous practise comes to light.

Competing interests: No competing interests

06 August 2000
Penny Mellor
Child Advocate