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Integrated medicine

BMJ 2001; 322 doi: (Published 20 January 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;322:119

Rapid Response:

Re: Integrated medicine - a short road to betrayal

I think there is often a measure of uncertainty in many people's
minds about some of the forms of complementary/alternative medicine they
are either attacking or commending. In the case of homeopathy, in
particular, it's really impossible to understand the subject in any depth
unless you view it from a historical perspective. This is because it
developed in the early nineteenth century and hasn't really changed much
since then. There are a number of myths about homeopathy that are often
repeated both by critics and defenders.

In an attempt to clarify things for anyone interested, I've made an
electronic book - Homeomythology - available on the Net, in which I look
at the subject in what I hope is an objective way. It can be found at:

Competing interests: No competing interests

21 January 2001
Anthony Campbell
Retired Consultant Physician, Royal London Homeopathic Hospital