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Why are doctors so unhappy?

BMJ 2001; 322 doi: (Published 05 May 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;322:1073

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A Poem For The Unhappy Doctor



Smith asks why doctors are so unhappy [1]. Amongst 17 responses in
the BMJ, 2 June, it was reported that doctors need to be adaptable to
change [2], and should concentrate on positive aspects of their work [3].
At present it seems we could be victims of our misperception of the world
and that we need to have the courage to rediscover our own happiness [4].

These problems and the suggestions are not new. As Epictetus noted
in the 4th century BC, 'men are disturbed not by things but by the views
they take of them'. Centuries later John Keats raised the question, "do
we retreat from the reality of the outer world into ourselves at times,
or, do we retreat from the pressures of the outside world into the reality
of our inner selves" [5]. In 1993, the doctor-poet, Dannie Abse, musing
on this, commented that "imaginative daydreaming is an escape from the
precipitous pessimism of living or dealing with problems and the sphere of
sorrow, and it is used to restore balance" [5]. We have therefore asked
the question, "could or does reading or writing poetry benefit health?"
[6]. Given the affirmative response[7], the following poem may help
unhappy doctors.

The Tides Of Change

In tides of change

Seas turn sands shift

Winds blow storms brew

People posture and position

Pose and preen with a moving scene;

Then when it seems that waters rage

And dirt and mud are outwards flung

Change tack to ward attack

Pause to plan and think it through

Duck dive parry strive to survive;

Take a chance laugh and start to branch

Learn to flex flow

Cut thrust bob bounce

To stay afloat to beat and damm

The tides of change.

Robin Philipp,
Consultant Occupational Physician

Department of Occupational Medicine,
Bristol Royal Infirmary,
Bristol BS2 8HW

1. Smith, R. Why are doctors so unhappy? BMJ 2001; 322: 1073-4.

2. Laurence, M. Reducing work hours might help. BMJ 2001; 1361-2.

3. Jakeman, N. It's not all doom and gloom. BMJ 2001; 322: 1362.

4. Davies, P. Exit from eternal triangle of perpetrator-victim-
caretaker is needed. BMJ 2001; 322: 1364.

5. Philipp, R., Baum, M., Mawson, A., and Calman, K. Humanities in
Medicine Beyond the Millennium. Nuffield Trust Series No.10: pub. The
Nuffield Trust 1999; 164pp.

6. Philipp, R., Coppell, C., and Freeman, H. Poetry and the art of
medicine. BMJ 1994; 308:63.

7. Philipp, R., and Robertson, I. Poetry helps healing. The Lancet
1996; 347:332-3.

Competing interests: No competing interests

05 June 2001
Robin Philipp
Consultant Occupational Physician
Dept of Occupational Medicine, Bristol Royal Infirmary