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Quality improvement reports: a new kind of article

BMJ 2000; 321 doi: (Published 09 December 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;321:1428

Rapid Response:

The global village

Dear Dr Smith,

Many villages have their own newspaper.These are different in quality
from national papers; more colloquial and accessible to their audience. has created its own global community. In reaching a wider
audience, Internet journals need a less formal structure that can be read
by people not from a scientific background and those for whom English is a
second language. This new kind of article is a good illustration of how
that should be done.

Of course, taken to its logical conclusion this approach leads to the
review style exemplified by Scientific American.

However, the Internet allows the best of all worlds. In the same way
that a melody hovers above the base line, scientific data can be folded
into articles through hypertext links while the main thread of the
argument is in the text of the essay.

Rather like Editor's Choice in fact !

Yours sincerely,

Dr John Hopkins

Competing interests: No competing interests

15 December 2000
John Hopkins