Intended for healthcare professionals

Rapid response to:

Primary Care

Reported frequency of domestic violence: cross sectional survey of women attending general practice

BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 02 February 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:271

Rapid Response:

Domestic Violence

It would appear from the articles in the issue for 2 February
2002(1,2,3)that domestic violence is the term for violence perpetrated by
men on women. Is there a term for violence perpetrated by women on men,
or is it axiomatic that this does not occur? The contributors to this
topic do not appear to allow for the possibility that women might
perpetrate violence on men. Unless this possibility is addressed a
potentially distorted and unscientific approach to this distressing
phenomenon is being presented. Are you aware of the bias that might have
arisen from your choice of contributors?

1. Jewkes R. Preventing domestic violence. BMJ; 7332; 253-4

2. Bradley F, Smith M, Long J, O'Dowd T. Reported frequency of
domestic violence: cross sectional survey of women attending general

3. Richardson J, Coid J, Petruckevitch A, Chung WS, Moorey S,
Feder G. Identifying domestic violence: cross sectional study in primary

Competing interests: No competing interests

05 March 2002
Brian J W Pingree
Consultant Flight Surgeon
Taif, Saudi Arabia