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The Quality Of Life

Three lessons for a better cycling future

BMJ 2000; 321 doi: (Published 23 December 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;321:1582

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Cycling has to be as simple as it really is!

I am Sports Medicine Physician, professor and co-ordinator of Pedala
Floripa project in the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), in
Florianópolis, South Region of Brazil.
I would like to focus my comments to this part of Mr. Wardlaw’s article:
“The health benefits of cycling are so great and the health injuries from
driving so great that not cycling is really dangerous. By telling people
that they need helmets for an activity that for a century has been
regarded as "safe" and in fact has a fine safety record you inevitably
engender the impression that cycling must have become more dangerous than
driving and walking. That deters cycling. That reduces cyclists' presence
on the roads. That increases the risk of death”.

I think the author makes a point with these remarks.

When I first read this article,months ago, it made me think a lot
about my wearing a helmet. I do it, and never had much doubts of doing so,
mostly because I am the project co-ordinator and I think it is my
“obligation” to give the example. But when I see my attitude might not be
helping the cause, although it is protecting my skull, I guess I have to
think it over. At least to give myself a chance of, if not doing so, not
feeling guilty.

I was in Amsterdã, for Velo Mondial, in June 2000. Very few people
wear helmets! Also, people do not wear any special clothes (sportiv) for
And while there, one gets the feeling that it should be that way. When
bicycling to work or shopping, one should be wearing the same as when
taking public transport or driving. They show Cycling has to be as simple
as it really is!

Profª Ms. Giselle Noceti Ammon Xavier

State University of Santa Catarina - UDESC

Pedala Floripa project

Florianópolis - SC - BRASIL

Hosting the 1rst Latin America Bicycle Conference in 2002 - VELO

Competing interests: No competing interests

12 May 2001
Giselle Xavier
University professor and MD
State University of Santa Catarina - UDESC(Brazil)