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Ethical commentaries must be based on sound science

BMJ 1998; 317 doi: (Published 05 December 1998) Cite this as: BMJ 1998;317:1594

Rapid Response:

Re: Ethical commentaries must be based on sound science

Pandit's response seems very sensible. When driving up Pike's Peak
(at something over 14,000 feet) with my family the same reasoning about
partial pressure and isobaric hypoxia applied, and I did not hesitate to
take along my children, then aged 13 months and 36 months.

The slightly alarming road (had I known of it) and my wife's fear of
heights might now cause me to reconsider repeating the expedition--but
hypoxia still wouldn't enter into the decision.

(If I recall correctly, the legislature of the State of Colorado has
done away with the apostrophe in "Pike's Peak".
I somehow doubt that that binds those of us outside their jurisdiction.)

Competing interests: No competing interests

08 December 1998
Dale Peters