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Formula milk: WHO Foundation refuses to take further financial donations from Nestlé

BMJ 2022; 379 doi: (Published 14 October 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;379:o2468

Linked Feature

Formula milk: why WHO has taken a hard stance on sponsorship

  1. Rebecca Coombes
  1. The BMJ

A foundation set up by the World Health Organization will no longer accept money from Nestlé, the world’s largest formula milk company, after a multi-million dollar donation made last year, The BMJ can report.

The WHO Foundation received $2.2m (£1.97m; €2.26m) from Nestlé in 2021 that was originally intended for the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund, a WHO fund to support its response to the pandemic. News of the contribution caused an internal furore at WHO, and the WHO Foundation told The BMJ that as a result of this “feedback” it had redirected the money to the Go Give One vaccine campaign, which funded the procurement of covid-19 vaccines …

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