Is the development of Open Notes changing the landscape of medical writing and reporting in the charts?
Are we not verging on reducing medical reports to politically correct neutral statements?
Does this not emasculate medical reporting by frightening doctors from writing personal opinion or their own personal impressions on patients from fear of being sued or complained about?
Should there not be the equivalent of legal privilege for writing medical notes akin to safe spaces on university campuses or even diplomatic immunity?
The risk benefit analysis of having Open Notes seems to be benefit to the patients because they have access to the notes, and restriction on doctors in documenting facts with no opinion or impression given.
Does this not dilute truth telling, precision of doctors' impressions and holistic care?
Rapid Response:
Five questions about Open Notes
Dear Editor
Is the development of Open Notes changing the landscape of medical writing and reporting in the charts?
Are we not verging on reducing medical reports to politically correct neutral statements?
Does this not emasculate medical reporting by frightening doctors from writing personal opinion or their own personal impressions on patients from fear of being sued or complained about?
Should there not be the equivalent of legal privilege for writing medical notes akin to safe spaces on university campuses or even diplomatic immunity?
The risk benefit analysis of having Open Notes seems to be benefit to the patients because they have access to the notes, and restriction on doctors in documenting facts with no opinion or impression given.
Does this not dilute truth telling, precision of doctors' impressions and holistic care?
Competing interests: No competing interests