I'm surprised that the BMJ continues to publish meta-analyses of acupuncture, especially when the article is "funded by the special purpose funds for the belt and road, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences . . . ." There have been may thousands of trials of acupuncture. If it worked to any useful extent, we'd have known long ago.
Of course, acupuncture, as practised now, was largely the invention of Mao Zedong and its promotion is more concerned with Chinese nationalism, and, now, Chinese business than it has to do with medicine.
Rapid Response:
Acupuncture is a theatrical placebo
Dear Editor
I'm surprised that the BMJ continues to publish meta-analyses of acupuncture, especially when the article is "funded by the special purpose funds for the belt and road, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences . . . ." There have been may thousands of trials of acupuncture. If it worked to any useful extent, we'd have known long ago.
Of course, acupuncture, as practised now, was largely the invention of Mao Zedong and its promotion is more concerned with Chinese nationalism, and, now, Chinese business than it has to do with medicine.
More on this topic can be found at http://www.dcscience.net/Colquhoun-Novella-A&A-2013.pdf
Competing interests: No competing interests