Intended for healthcare professionals


GMC is accused of complacency about discrimination in its work

BMJ 2021; 373 doi: (Published 21 June 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;373:n1595
  1. Clare Dyer
  1. The BMJ

An employment tribunal has ruled for the first time that the General Medical Council discriminated against a doctor on the grounds of race.

Omer Karim, a mixed race consultant urologist who was referred to the GMC by his employers, was treated differently from a white doctor who was also under investigation, the Reading employment tribunal held, and there was no credible explanation for the difference in treatment. The way the GMC dealt with some of the allegations suggested that the regulator was “looking for material to support allegations . . . rather than fairly assessing matters presented,” the tribunal noted.

The tribunal said that it was “concerned …

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