Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Women and children’s health in covid-19 recovery

Tackling childhood obesity in the wake of covid-19: lessons from Chile

BMJ 2021; 373 doi: (Published 25 May 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;373:n1338
  1. Rosemarie R Patterson, foundation year 2 doctor,
  2. Sangeetha Sornalingam, senior GP teaching fellow,
  3. Max Cooper, senior lecturer in general practice
  1. Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Watson House, Falmer, Brighton, UK
  1. rosemarie.patterson1{at}

Modi and Hanson highlight the importance of placing the health of children at the centre of post-pandemic measures to reduce social inequality, improve population health, and promote economic recovery.1 They rightly call for policies aimed at socioeconomic determinants of health, in order to break existing structures of disadvantage.

The Chilean response to the childhood obesity epidemic offers an example of public health interventions tackling structural factors.2 Economic growth in Chile over the past two decades …

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