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Elimination could be the optimal response strategy for covid-19 and other emerging pandemic diseases

BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Published 22 December 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;371:m4907

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Rapid Response:

Resolution for the New Year: Bring Back Natural Immunity!

Dear Editor

Great poignance to the juxtaposition of the letters of Janet Menage [1] and Ellen Grant [2] today. Surely if we as a species cannot reinstate the pre-eminence of natural immunity we have had it.

[1] Janet Menage, ‘ Re: Redefining the Herd’, 30 December 2020,

[2] Ellen CG Grant, ‘ Vitamin D and C deficiencies Re: NICE guideline on long covid’, 30 December 2020,

Competing interests:, an on-line daily journal, concerns itself with the potential environmental sources for the proliferation of autism, neurological impairment, immune dysfunction and chronic disease. I receive no payment as UK Editor. I also moderate comments for the on-line journal ‘The Defender’ for which I am paid. I am also a member of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance

30 December 2020
John Stone
UK Editor
London N22