Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Covid-19: risk of re-opening universities

An update to Independent SAGE’s recommendations for student return to campus

BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Published 05 October 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;371:m3849
  1. Allyson M Pollock, professor of public health
  1. Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University, Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4EP
  1. allyson.pollock{at}

Yamey and Walensky draw on the experience of the United States to show the risks of outbreaks when universities open.1 They cite a draft recommendation from “the UK’s Independent SAGE Behavioural Advisory Group, that if students in the UK have to physically attend campus, there should be ‘testing on or before arrival on campus followed up by further regular testing of students and staff.’”

This Independent SAGE recommendation no longer stands. Its recommendations were …

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