Covid 19: Science must come first with vaccine, says former CDC chief
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 16 September 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3606Read our latest coverage of the coronavirus outbreak
Linked Opinion
As politics trumps science in the race for a vaccine, who will protect public health?
Scientists: the new vaccine hesitant
Dear Editor
The CDC has hit the nail on the proverbial head with their statement that 'science must come first'.
Just as we thought that 2020 couldn't get any stranger, an interesting role reversal that I never thought we would see is ruling beneath the surface - highly science literate people are becoming the new vaccine-hesitant. But in this context it makes complete sense. Science and due process need to be the voice of reason, independent of political persuasions and fiscal motivations.
When the science for the COVID-19 vaccination takes the same slow path as the science for every other medicine and vaccination that has been developed in years past and, additionally, has been proven to be safe, it will then be trusted. Until then, I fear that the vaccination won't have its biggest supporters behind it as it will need to be the most effective it can be.
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