Intended for healthcare professionals


Rosemary Radley-Smith: paediatric cardiologist who cofounded the charity Chain of Hope

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 04 September 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3428
  1. Penny Warren
  1. London, UK
  1. penny.warren{at}
Photo credit: Courtesy of Chain of Hope

In 1964 Magdi Yacoub was a senior registrar working at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. He said, “I was doing my round late at night, preparing for the following day, and I found a young doctor reviewing the notes. We got talking and she told me ‘I have studied every patient on the ward and your patient has x, y, and z.’” The young woman was cardiologist Rosemary Radley-Smith, and she and Yacoub were to forge a close working partnership that lasted nearly 50 years.

Early life and career

Born in 1939 in Epsom, Surrey, Radley-Smith was the eldest of four children. Her father, Eric, was a neurosurgeon and her mother, Eileen, was a nurse at King’s College Hospital. After studying at Trevelyan School in Hayward’s Heath and Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Radley-Smith went to the Royal Free Hospital in London to study medicine, qualifying in 1963. Anxious, according to colleagues, to free herself from her father’s shadow and to prove her …

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