Intended for healthcare professionals


Colin Alban Bryant McLaren

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 07 August 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3160
  1. Anthony Rubin,
  2. Leslie Shutt

Colin Alban Bryant McLaren was a Mancunian who ventured south to study medicine at Birmingham University. He started his anaesthetic training in Wolverhampton, but this was interrupted in 1953 by the obligatory period of national service, which he did as a singlehanded anaesthetist in Egypt. A substantive post in the Services followed, and in 1956 he began an outstanding career with the Royal Air Force. In 1961 he passed the FFARCS examination, and in 1964 he was appointed consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Air Force Hospital at Wroughton in Wiltshire, where he was head of the department for more than 20 years. He coordinated anaesthetic escorts on aeromedical evacuation flights, including personally acting …

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