Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Covid-19: controlling community outbreaks

The pandemic is being used as a screen to privatise, fragment, and weaken the NHS

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 06 August 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3056
  1. John Puntis, consultant paediatrician
  1. Leeds LS8 1DW, UK
  1. john.puntis{at}

Who could disagree with Roderick and colleagues’ clear and sensible proposals for moving contact tracing onto a footing that might go some way to making it effective in suppressing covid-19?1

Reading through the litany of disasters, with around 65 000 excess deaths so far and every likelihood of a rapid upturn in cases with the cavalier easing of lockdown, one can only weep …

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