Intended for healthcare professionals


Donald Macgregor Brown

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 31 July 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3012
  1. Iain D M Brown

Donald Macgregor Brown was a trusted and respected consultant anaesthetist, who spent many devoted years at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. His steadiness and careful appreciation of the individual left his patients with a sense of safety and care delivered by the team. During his time at GRI he developed the chronic pain clinic, a passion for him. He used to joke it was more psychology than anaesthesia, spending lengthy appointments with patients, preparing them for life with pain. For example, Donald developed alternative modes of pain treatment—such as hypnosis—lending an extra dimension to the scope of treatment for patients. This was one of the first such clinics in the UK, and with John Reid he established this ongoing service in the hospital. Donald always saw that as his major achievement, but there were so many others. He worked …

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