Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Covid-19 and ethnic minorities

UK government’s work to tackle health disparities of covid-19

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 24 July 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m2920
  1. Kemi Badenoch, exchequer secretary to the Treasury and minister for equalities
  1. Government Equalities Office, c/o Sanctuary Building, London SW1P 3BT, UK
  1. geo.correspondence{at}

I am writing to provide further detail on the government’s work to tackle the health disparities caused by covid-19, after the recent Public Health England (PHE) review and subsequent stakeholder report.123

I’m glad that a respected specialist publication such as The BMJ is taking the time to cover this important story. I strongly agree with the key point in your editorial that the PHE review doesn’t go far enough, particularly as “no original or secondary data are presented” and “the proposals lack detail.” This is why the prime minister and the health secretary have asked me to take forward further work to ensure everything possible is being done to protect our minority …

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