Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Stop racism to stop covid-19

Medical schools and other educational institutions need to tackle racism head on

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 13 July 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m2746
  1. Joanna Semlyen, senior lecturer in psychology and medical education and lead for diversity and inclusion,
  2. Bhairavi Hariharan, year 4 medical student,
  3. Benz Josiah, graduate,
  4. Kaobi Okongwu, graduate,
  5. Louisa Sowah Quarshie, year 4 medical student,
  6. Veena Rodrigues, professor of public health and medical education and deputy dean
  1. Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
  1. j.semlyen{at}

We agree with Karan and Katz that “there is much work to be done” to stop racism.1 The #BlackLivesMatter movement shines a light on the fatal consequences of systemic racism suffered by black people in their ordinary lives, irrespective of the pandemic. To tackle racial prejudice in medicine, we need to speak directly to racial inequalities and create a workforce that is educated and reflective about …

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