Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Public inquiry into UK’s response to covid-19

Covid-19: unjustified risk to people held in immigration removal centres

BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 07 July 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m2673
  1. Mary Kamara, clinical adviser,
  2. Rachel Bingham, clinical adviser
  1. Medical Justice, London N7 7DT, UK
  1. m.kamara{at}

We agree with McKee and colleagues that any delay in finding solutions to the challenges of covid-19 must be avoided.1 As they say, there is a disproportionate burden on ethnic minority populations,2 including those held in immigration removal centres for administrative reasons before potential removal to their country of origin.

Experts warned that these institutionalised settings could function as “epidemiological pumps,” and recommended urgent measures to prevent the spread of infection.3 …

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