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Judge approves £2m award for girl brain damaged at birth after both sides halt court case

BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 29 June 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m2619
  1. Clare Dyer
  1. The BMJ

A judge has approved a £2m (€2.2m; $2.5m) settlement from the NHS for a five year old girl who was brain damaged at birth after both sides agreed to halt a High Court trial part way through.1

Mr Justice Martin Spencer approved the deal after two days of evidence but before hearing from the expert obstetric witness for the defendant, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Settlements usually happen before a trial starts but Spencer said it had occurred in this case at a stage when the matter was still “wholly undecided” in his mind. He said that the two results were both in play, “namely …

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