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Matt Morgan: Hold onto your red thread

BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 21 April 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m1500

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Re: Matt Morgan: Hold onto your red thread

Dear Editor

Please allow me to hold on to my thread. It impels me to talk to my Prime Minister through you.

Dear Mr Johnson

I appreciate that short slogans win elections. But seriously, have your medical advisors not told you that outside a closed room, WIND blows. And wind will carry the virus. Fast. In just one direction (except for a whirlwind).

So, two metres social distancing is meaningless.

As far as supermarkets, airport terminals are concerned, please arrange for the air to be sucked UPWARDS, and get clean air pumped in. All at speed suitable to keep people safe.

The same principles apply everywhere.

This to start with.

JK Anand.

Competing interests: Old chap. Vulnerable, they say. Hence struggling

04 May 2020
JK Anand
Retired doctor
Free spirit
Peterborough, England