As a congenital sceptic I am holding on to MY RED THREAD.
I have lived through the end of war (WW2, of course), bonhomie with Josef Stalin, quickly replaced by the Red Peril, and the US search for commies in the sceptics. Then we had the Cuban Crisis, then the Soviet Nuclear Threat.
Every time, Her Majesty’s Government was aided and abetted by the majority of the British Press. And any voices to the contrary were described as treason.
Now we have Covid-19.
The Government has been seeking to deflect attempts to probe its failures to, prepare for a pandemic by promoting public loyalty. How much do we owe our NHS? Of course a lot. Who has been whittling away the NHS? The Govt. How often has anyone raised a cheep about it? Except for a political party or two, unloved by the Great British Public.
We love our NHS staff, and other Care Staff. Every Thursday we clap, loud and clear.
Yet the Govt and the patriotic press have said not a word about giving untrammelled rights of residence to the foreigners WORKING here and putting their lives at as much risk as the True Born Englishmen.
We have heard about the imminent arrival of BRITISH “tests”. The imminence is repeatedly postponed.
Is this not a deliberate attempt to dampen down criticism?
Ah, but there is world wide shortage of raw materials. It seems to afflict only the UK?
Germany? Oh but they have an established chemical industry. Pray tell me, dear Prime Minister, WHO stopped the UK from producing its own chemicals?
We will have our vaccine very soon, produced in our very own OXFORD, proclaimed a newspaper.
Then all goes quiet.
Enough said.
Competing interests:
No competing interests
27 April 2020
JK Anand
Retired doctor (public health from days long gone)
Free spirit, with allergy to propaganda, nudges and winks
Rapid Response:
Re: Matt Morgan: Hold onto your red thread
Dear Editor
As a congenital sceptic I am holding on to MY RED THREAD.
I have lived through the end of war (WW2, of course), bonhomie with Josef Stalin, quickly replaced by the Red Peril, and the US search for commies in the sceptics. Then we had the Cuban Crisis, then the Soviet Nuclear Threat.
Every time, Her Majesty’s Government was aided and abetted by the majority of the British Press. And any voices to the contrary were described as treason.
Now we have Covid-19.
The Government has been seeking to deflect attempts to probe its failures to, prepare for a pandemic by promoting public loyalty. How much do we owe our NHS? Of course a lot. Who has been whittling away the NHS? The Govt. How often has anyone raised a cheep about it? Except for a political party or two, unloved by the Great British Public.
We love our NHS staff, and other Care Staff. Every Thursday we clap, loud and clear.
Yet the Govt and the patriotic press have said not a word about giving untrammelled rights of residence to the foreigners WORKING here and putting their lives at as much risk as the True Born Englishmen.
We have heard about the imminent arrival of BRITISH “tests”. The imminence is repeatedly postponed.
Is this not a deliberate attempt to dampen down criticism?
Ah, but there is world wide shortage of raw materials. It seems to afflict only the UK?
Germany? Oh but they have an established chemical industry. Pray tell me, dear Prime Minister, WHO stopped the UK from producing its own chemicals?
We will have our vaccine very soon, produced in our very own OXFORD, proclaimed a newspaper.
Then all goes quiet.
Enough said.
Competing interests: No competing interests