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A change of climate for climate change: the environmental benefit of specialty outreach clinics

BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 14 April 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m1410
  1. Cathal O’Connor, dermatology specialist registrar,
  2. Lisa Kiely, dermatology senior house officer,
  3. Anthony O’Riordan, intern,
  4. Garrett O’Connell, dermatology registrar,
  5. Mary Bennett, consultant dermatologist,
  6. Sally O’Shea, consultant dermatologist,
  7. Lesley Ann Murphy, consultant dermatologist,
  8. John Bourke, consultant dermatologist,
  9. Michelle Murphy, consultant dermatologist
  1. Department of Dermatology, South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork T12 X23H, Republic of Ireland
  1. drcathaloconnor{at}

Climate change is a devastating threat to global health.1 Gill and colleagues draw our attention to the need to think, act, and advocate for change.2

The main benefits of outreach clinics are thought to be patient convenience and resource efficiency.3 We assessed the environmental benefit of dermatology outreach clinics in the south of Ireland, from our regional centre of …

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