Intended for healthcare professionals


Seven days in medicine: 25-31 March 2020

BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 02 April 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m1288


UK doctors die after contracting virus

The UK reported its first cases of doctors who died after contracting covid-19 last week. Amged El-Hawrani, a 55 year old ENT consultant at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, died on 29 March at Leicester Royal Infirmary. Adil El Tayar, 63, an organ transplant specialist, died on 25 March at West Middlesex University Hospital in London. Both were confirmed as having covid-19. In addition, Habib Zaidi, a GP in Essex, died in intensive care at Southend Hospital on 25 March while being treated for suspected coronavirus.

Experts challenge suggestion that half of UK population has been infected

Experts criticised an unpublished modelling study that said that half of the UK population might already have been infected with covid-19. They emphasised that, even if the modelling turned out to be correct, it would not change the current public health advice to reduce the spread of the virus. Researchers from the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford used mathematical modelling to estimate infection rates by fitting a “susceptible—infected—recovered” model of epidemics to the numbers of deaths and reported cases in the early stages of the epidemic in Italy and the UK. (Full story doi:10.1136/bmj.m1216)

Researchers launch app to track spread of symptoms in UK

Nearly 700 000 people signed up in the first 24 hours of the launch of an app to help track the spread of coronavirus throughout the UK in real time and collect information on the range of self-reported symptoms and the characteristics of people most …

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