Intended for healthcare professionals

Letters Physical activity

Physical activity: a (mobile) call to action

BMJ 2020; 368 doi: (Published 28 January 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;368:m316
  1. Erno Harzheim, secretary of primary health care department1,
  2. Lívia de Almeida Faller, director of health promotion2,
  3. Otávio Pereira D’Avila, director of family health2,
  4. Lucas Matturro, general coordinator for physical activity promotion and intersectoral initiatives3,
  5. Lucas Pedebôs, general coordinator for primary health care information4
  1. 1Ministry of Health, SQN 110, Bloco D, 504, Brasilia, DF – 70753-040, Brazil
  2. 2Ministry of Health, SHTN, Trecho 1, Lote 02, Vila Planalto, Brasilia, DF – 70800-210, Brazil
  3. 3Ministry of Health, Rua Artur Rocha 400/404, Porto Alegre, RS, 90450-170, Brazil
  4. 4SHTN Trecho 2, Lote 05, Asa Norte, Brasília, DF – 70800-220, Bloco 5/Apt 317, Brazil
  1. eharzheim{at}

The need to take “urgent action to improve low levels of physical activity”1 seems true for most countries. Despite the health and economic burden of inactivity23 and the benefits of even light activity,4 policies—in high, middle, and low income countries—have not succeeded in making people move.5

In Brazil, where physical activity could prevent 15% of deaths …

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