Intended for healthcare professionals

Feature UK General Election

Has Labour lost its traditional lead on the NHS?

BMJ 2019; 367 doi: (Published 20 November 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;367:l6553
  1. Ben Page, chief executive, Ipsos MORI

Ben Page considers how public attitudes to the NHS might affect the general election campaign

This election may be styled as being about “getting Brexit done,” an issue that continues to dominate the headlines, but the NHS is not far behind in terms of media coverage.

In our latest polling 56% of people said that Brexit would determine how they cast their vote, but 54% mentioned the NHS—a statistical score draw (fig 1). And the NHS has now been one of voters’ chief concerns for decades, whereas Brexit and the EU rose up voters’ lists of priorities only a few short years ago, …

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