Intended for healthcare professionals


Buyers clubs: five minutes with . . . Natalie Rhodes

BMJ 2019; 367 doi: (Published 22 October 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;367:l6127
  1. Rebecca Coombes
  1. The BMJ

The global health student’s research into buyers clubs has uncovered a community of patients unable to access medical support

“I was finishing my masters in global health and came across some references to buyers clubs; how individuals can become agents to source their own treatments. I only knew about this through the movie Dallas Buyers Club and thought, is this legal? I checked and under a global trade agreement, small sized consignments are allowed. I heard there were lots of clubs around the world, but I couldn’t find any literature.

“So I set out to find out about clubs and to interview founders and buyers around the world. I …

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