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Medical school places must double by 2029, says Royal College of Psychiatrists

BMJ 2019; 367 doi: (Published 02 October 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;367:l5826
  1. Anna Harvey
  1. The BMJ

The number of medical school places in England should double from 7500 to 15 000 by 2029, the Royal College of Psychiatrists has said. This echoes a 2018 statement from the Royal College of Physicians calling for the same increase.1

The Royal College of Psychiatrists warned that, without an increase in medical school places, mental health services would implode. It said that the extra medical students could lead to around 4497 additional consultant psychiatrists, helping the government to meet its aim to expand mental health services as set out in the NHS long term plan.

Wendy Burn, president …

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