Intended for healthcare professionals


Peter Lance d’Ambrumenil

BMJ 2019; 366 doi: (Published 27 September 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;366:l5758
  1. John Cherry

Peter Lance d’Ambrumenil was educated at All Hallows School in Shepton Mallett and the Oratory School in Reading. He studied chemistry at Reading University for a year before gaining admission to St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College in 1970 to follow his true vocation. He graduated in 1975 and entered general practice in 1978 in Odiham, Hampshire. Afterwards he moved to Old Basing to establish a new practice, initially on a singlehanded basis, which is large and flourishing today.

After eight years as a principal he became frustrated by the constraints of …

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