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Malaria could be eradicated by 2050, say global experts

BMJ 2019; 366 doi: (Published 10 September 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;366:l5501
  1. Elisabeth Mahase
  1. The BMJ

Malaria could be eradicated as early as 2050, according to a group of 41 leading experts including malariologists, biomedical scientists, economists, and health policy experts.1

They advocated for a number of actions including increased funding, creating a single global data hub to track and respond to pockets of transmission, and a global training programme to produce a network of malaria eradication professionals.

The report, published in the Lancet, combined existing evidence with new epidemiological and financial analyses to show that with the right strategy and action, malaria could be eliminated within a generation.

The authors used modelling to determine the likely distribution and intensity of malaria in 2030 and 2050. They found …

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