Intended for healthcare professionals


John Kenneth Roberts

BMJ 2019; 366 doi: (Published 29 July 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;366:l4900
  1. David Williams

John Kenneth Roberts (“Ken”) was born in a humble terraced house in Holyhead. His father was on the footplate of the LMS locomotives, including the Irish Mail. At the Victoria Terrace practice as a small boy he would stand trembling at the corner of Dr Ted Hughes’s desk. Hughes was a legendary character, who performed many operations at the local cottage hospital, and young Ken wanted to be a doctor like him. Advancing through local primary and grammar schools he was fortunate to gain a postwar state scholarship taking him to Manchester, covering all expenses. In 1958 he married Margaret, also from Holyhead, whom he met when she was 16. His first house post was in orthopaedics …

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