Intended for healthcare professionals


Separating conjoined twins: five minutes with . . . David Dunaway

BMJ 2019; 366 doi: (Published 19 July 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;366:l4790
  1. Stijntje Dijk,
  2. Pat Lok
  1. The BMJ

The plastic and reconstructive surgeon who co-led the separation of craniopagus conjoined twins Safa and Marwa at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital talks about support for similar pioneering operations

“We think we’ve worked out a good way of separating craniopagus twins in stages so that they’re able to survive the insult of the surgery.

“But there are still so many unknowns in research. We (the Great Ormond Street Hospital surgical and medical team) have had three successful cases—this case plus others in 2006 and 2011—which makes it the world’s largest series. But it remains an educated guess on how we’re doing in …

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