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Vaccine safety: British are less sceptical than Europeans, but younger people need assurance

BMJ 2019; 365 doi: (Published 19 June 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;365:l4291

Rapid Response:

Re: Vaccine safety: British are less sceptical than Europeans, but younger people need assurance

Christopher Exley writes that no safety studies have been done of vaccines given to children. This statement is incorrect as regulatory authorities insist on such studies before licensure. Interested readers can consult a small sample of such studies at

Heidi Larson, Paul Offit and Stanley Plotkin

Competing interests: Stanley Plotkin consults for all major vaccine manufacturers and many biotechs developing vaccines and edits a textbook on vaccines (Plotkin's Vaccines). He has no stock in vaccine companies. Paul Offit's only financial remuneration are a salary from his hospital and medical school and occasional honoraria from universities and medical schools. He is an unpaid advisor to various organisations. He receives no money from the sale of vaccines. He is the coinventor and co-patent holder of the vaccine, RotaTeq. Rights to the patent belonged to his institution and were sold in 2008, at which point he received financial compensation in line with the institution’s technology transfer scheme.His professorial chair is funded by Merck through an endowment to the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is not involved in studies funded by pharmaceutical companies. The Vaccine Confidence Project, which is directed by Heidi Larson, has a collaborative research grant with GSK on maternal vaccine acceptance in 15 countries in addition to its public funding.

26 June 2019
Heidi Larson
Paul Offit, Stanley Plotkin
London School of Hygiene& Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT