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Journal editor fired for homophobic email signs off with creationist editorial

BMJ 2019; 365 doi: (Published 13 June 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;365:l4221
  1. Owen Dyer
  1. Montreal

The editor of the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation Research, who was fired over the allegedly homophobic contents of an email he sent, has used his final editorial in the journal to call on readers to reject evolution and “scientific materialism.”1

The association fired Roberto Bolli because of an email he sent to a local ballet company that called them “minions of Satan” for sending out an advertising flyer with a picture of two men holding hands.

In his final editorial Bolli wrote, “I pray that the wall that divides science from religion be taken down. I pray that we recognize that biology is, ultimately, theology.”

Bolli, who is also chief of cardiovascular medicine at the medical school at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, lost his job as editor after an email he …

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