Intended for healthcare professionals


Seven days in medicine: 22-28 May 2019

BMJ 2019; 365 doi: (Published 30 May 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;365:l2346


Parents are urged to get children vaccinated as cases spike

Public Health England urged all parents to get their children vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella, especially if they did not do this when scheduled. In the first three months of this year 231 measles cases were confirmed. And 795 cases of mumps were recorded, compared with 1031 during all of 2018. Recent measles cases mainly occurred in under-vaccinated communities and were linked with travel to countries with current large outbreaks. (Full story doi:10.1136/bmj.l2335)

Babylon Health

CCG is forced to delay primary care network approvals

Hammersmith and Fulham CCG, which hosts Babylon Health’s digital service GP at Hand, was forced to delay approving local practices’ applications to join primary care networks, after referring GP at Hand’s bid to become a single network to NHS England. GP leaders said it was vital that delays did not extend beyond the 30 June deadline, as this could prevent practices from accessing much needed additional funding for patient care through the network contract directed enhanced service, which starts on 1 July. (Full story doi:10.1136/bmj.l2322)

Birmingham trust discusses emergency department triage app

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS …

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